Choose Organic Cotton Sanitary Pads This Summer!

Women need to be kind to themselves. Especially in terms of the selection of sanitary towels. From the age of 13 to the age of 50, the menstrual period of a woman’s life adds up to about six years. That is to say, every minute of these six years, women must use sanitary products. Now […]

Can Baby Soft Moisture Wipes Be Used to Wipe Face?

Newborn baby’s skin is very delicate, so it is not allowed to use the towel to wipe the face. Baby soft moisture wipes have the hydration and moisturizing effect on the skin, and it is soft, and does not contain alcohol, which generally can be used to wipe the baby’s face. Of course, try not to use moisture wipes […]

Are Weak Acid Moisture Wipes Good or Not?

Wet tissues are wet paper towels used to wipe the skin. Wet tissue on the market can be roughly divided into two categories: one itself has been disinfected, but can not disinfect other items, which contains skin care ingredients, and can only do skin wetting maintenance. The other not only itself is disinfected, but also […]